Back in the old days, before hops were such an important ingredient in beer, brewers flavored their beers with a variety of herbs and spices. They used cinnamon, ginger, and rosemary, called gruits. Hoppy beers later became more common, namely for their price (hop imports were not taxed at the time in England while many brewing spices were) and while spiced beers haven’t disappeared, they’ve become less prolific.
Eventually, spiced beers became just a seasonal offering. In England, most notably, wassail beers were brewed with sugar, spices and roasted apples for medieval winter celebrations. Honestly, it sounds pretty good.
This tradition continues to this day, as breweries all over the world release special seasonal spiced beers in the winter months. Perfect for any winter holiday celebration. Check out some of our favorites below: (PS- these could make GREAT Secret Santa gifts).
- Full Sail Brewing, Wassail
- Samuel Smith, Winter Welcome
- Anchor Brewery, Our Special Ale
- Lagunitas, Brown Shugga’
- Port Brewing, Santa’s Little Helper
- Alaskan, Christmas Ale
- Anderson Valley, Winter Solstice
- Samuel Adams, Merry Maker Gingerbread Stout
- High Water Brewing, Sugaree Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie
- 21st Amendment, Fireside Chat
- Deschutes, Jubelale
- Buffalo Bill, Winter Ale
- Moylan, White Christmas Spiced Winter Lager