
On this day in 1935, we experienced a life changing moment in U.S. history: the first canned beer was sold. That makes today National Beer Can Appreciation Day and we couldn’t be happier to celebrate. As a small tribute, we wanted to share with you the top reasons we love beer in a can:


  • Cans are way more portable than bottles. Cans were just made to travel – you throw them in any bag or cooler and bring them to a picnic, camping trip, bbq… really anywhere you’re legally allowed to drink in public.


  • Cans protect beer from oxygen and light. Human beings obviously thrive when given oxygen and light, but those two things are kryptonite to beer. Cans keep things as dark and air-tight as possible so that nothing can compromise the quality of your brew.


  • You can stack em’. Everyone has limited space in their refrigerators, so the more beer you can squeeze in, the better. Beer cans take up less room and you can stack them on top of each other for maximum efficiency.


  • You can drop cans. Whether you’re naturally a butter fingers or your hand-eye coordination gets iffy after a few drinks, cans are very forgiving. If you accidentally drop a bottle of beer, there’s a really good chance it’s going to shatter. If you accidentally drop a can of beer, you may lose a little of the liquid if it’s open, but it’s a lot less likely to break open and ruin your day.


  • Canned beers look cooler. Between bottled beer and canned beer, we think canned beers win for having the best, most unique designs on them.


  • Cans are more environmentally friendly. Aluminum cans require a fraction of the energy used to produce, ship and recycle glass bottles. They are also already usually made from a good percentage of recycled aluminum, with aluminum cans being the most recycled package worldwide. Yay for drinking and saving the planet.


Happy birthday canned beer. We’ll salute you today with a few cold ones. Cheers.

