LessThanAPintWe’ve all been there. You order a beer expecting a full pint and are disappointed when you receive a less than full glass. After reading the latest New York Post article, clearly we’re not the only ones being skimped.


Earlier this month, the New York paper published an investigative report about these sneaky bar habits. They found that nine out of fifteen (60%) bars they visited were pouring less than 16 ounces when a pint was ordered. Meaning that customers are paying for the full pint and getting screwed when they get less beer in their glass. A good way for bars to make more money and save on the keg. So how are they getting away with these “cheater pints?”


It’s all about the way you serve them. Most bars are using glasses that can’t even hold a full pint of beer. Referred to as “falsies” by bartenders, the glasses normally hold 12-14 ounces, similar to the ones used to mix cocktails. And if a bar isn’t cheating with falsies, the bartenders are duping customers. They’re serving beer with about 3 inches of foam at the top, definitely not a full pour.


But this isn’t local to the New York area. Over the past few years, people have been complaining in cities all over the country. You would think bars would smarten up instead of trying to save a buck. Guess not.


Are we naïve to think that we’ll get a full pour when we order a pint? What do you think?

