A while back, we remembered that Slate did an article on Jerry Lee Wilson, pilot, Solofex inventor, shirtless model and millionaire. In the article, he mentions that “with a few modifications,” you can use your Soloflex to brew beer.
We’ll, we’re just getting around to exploring this re-invention a little further. Thankfully, a dude named Jason has made it simple. Check out his “BrewFlex” here.
Jason, you’re a rock star. This is beauteous and ingenious.
Another guy in Pennsylvania uses the brewery benefits of the Soloflex as a selling feature in his classified ad.
In our area, used Soloflexes sell for anywhere between $75 and $300 on Craigslist, FYI. Happy home brewing.
Haha!! Very cool…. I know that this is over a year late, but thank you for the writeup and the link to the Slate article. Had no idea that the BrewFlex is famous!
I actually have the BrewFlex up for sale right now (dreaming up my next build!) and was Googling it just for the heck of it.
If anyone’s interested…….. http://www.ebay.com/itm/200909519552?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Thanks again! Cheers,
A year late, but a well deserved nod. I am very excited to be the new owner of this system and am looking forward to doing my first brew on this system. I’ll report back once completed to let all of the viewers know how it went.