It’s like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for beer-drinking, football-loving, red-blooded Americans.
Bud Light is offering fans the chance to win two tickets for every Super Bowl game for the next 50 years. For a chance to win, go get yourself a case of specially marked “Strike Gold” Bug Light. If you come across a golden can, take a picture and post it to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #SBTix4Life and #Sweepstakes. I you’re not into the thrill of the chase, you can just go to Bug Light’s website, print out your own golden ticket and slap it onto a regular can of beer and post a picture. Six winners will be chosen every week and will automatically win season tickets to the team of their choice and be entered to win the grand prize as well.
If there’s a river of beer in this scenario, I volunteer to be Augustus Gloop.