Once again, Match.com has released their report on singles in America. Each year, they study thousands of singles of all ages to determine what gets people going these days. From political views to strange fetishes, this report covers all the bases. Conducted by Dr. Helen Fisher and Dr. Justin Garcia, the study uncovered some unusual insights about what will guarantee you a second date.
The research found that if you take someone out for sushi on the first date, you will have a 170% higher chance that they will give you one more shot. Sushi has always made our lives a little better, but we had no idea it was this powerful. Apparently, sushi contains compounds that improve your alertness while seaweed raises testosterone. Also, make your date try some wasabi. It’s known to increase your heart rate, so they will think you’re the one making their heart beat out of their chest.
The study also found that more than half of singles believe the other person could eventually “grow” on them, regardless of whether or not their date was a disaster. Even if you totally blow it and come off as a complete jerk, they will still come back just to make sure you’re not in fact the one or Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.
If you want the odds to be even more in your favor, order cocktails as well. Don’t order beer or wine; we’re talking a nice tall, stiff drink that will loosen things up a bit. Your odds are boosted 137% with booze.
The study uncovered that political views might also have a lot to do with your decision to go out on a second date. Regardless of their affiliation, people who have very strong political opinions actually have better sex. So, next time you’re on the hunt for a special someone, your best bet is probably the voting booths.