In efforts to support American Forests’ Global ReLeaf program and the Vermont Tree Fruit Growers Association, Woodchuck Hard Cider has announced their 6th annual Earth Week campaign. The campaign kicked off yesterday and will run until Wednesday, April 22nd. During this week, for every new Facebook fan, Twitter follower, Instagram follower, and E-newsletter sign-up on the official Earth Week 2015 form, Woodchuck will plant one tree through American Forests AND will donate $1 to the Vermont Tree Fruit Growers Association.
Woodchuck’s efforts for the sustainability of its local and global resources are a cause worth raising a glass to. Since the campaign began in 2010 over 47,000 trees have been donated to American Forests, and the Releaf program has created several urban gardens in areas of need. The annual campaign has also raised over $12,000 for the Vermont Tree Fruit Growers Association, supporting the sustainability of tree fruits and working conditions of the fruit growers in Vermont.
Find the tree hugger in you, pop open a bottle of crisp apple cider, and make a difference as a Woodchuck fan!
You can find for more information and social media links here!