Clear is the mind that sips on this Winter Sea Breeze Cocktail. This drink is satisfyingly crisp, and unlike other winter cocktails, it will refresh your taste buds after one too many heavy stouts or cream based drinks we are typically partial to in the cold weather. Warm up, and cleanse your palate with this tangy twist of this cocktail.
1 oz vodka
1 oz grapefruit juice
½ oz tonic syrup (suggested – Jack Rudy Tonic Syrup found at Whole Foods)
2 oz soda water
12 pomegranate seeds
3 mint leaves for garnish
Fill an old-fashioned sized glass ¾ with ice.
Add vodka, grapefruit juice, tonic syrup, and stir.
Pour in the soda water and garnish with pomegranate seeds and mint leaves.