The question is simple, the answer is complex. You get 3 beers for the rest of your life. One’s a draft, one’s a bottle and one’s a can.

What’s it gonna be?

Take a second to mull this over. There are endless considerations and everyone has their reasons. Maybe it’s a beer that holds some sentimental value? Maybe it’s your old standby? Or maybe it’s a beer that you’ve only had once, but have never forgotten. Here are my picks.

DraftBlack Butte Porter by the Deschutes Brewery in Bend, OR.

I used to live in Jackson, WY and my favorite local bar always had this on draft. 1) It’s frigging delicious. 2) I’ve shared some of the best times of my life with this beer. I don’t think I’ve ever had it in a bottle nor do I care to. It can’t be any better than draft, because Black Butte Porter on draft is perfect.

BottleYuengling Lager by the Yuengling Brewery in Pottsville, PA.

Yuengling happens to be America’s oldest brewery (fact) and Yuengling Lager happens to be my oldest friend. I grew up in PA and can say with absolute certainty that Yuengling Lager was my first beer. It’s great on draft and ok by the can; but for me, there’s something special about that beautiful beer in that beautiful green bottle. I grew up on this beer. It raised me. Bless you Yuengling Lager. And thank you.

CanPabst Blue Ribbon by the Pabst Brewing Company in Milwaukee, WI.

That’s right, good ol’ PBR. Is there anything better looking than this beer can? No. There is not. But it’s gotta be the tall boy. The 16 ouncer. Why buy a 12 oz. beer when you can buy a 16 oz. one? I have no idea. PBR tall boys spells fun.

Draft. Bottle. Can. What’s yours?

