1) It’s Christmas! Most of you have a few days off. This means more time to drink. You’re holiday shopping is officially over. This weekend is a perfect time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. But let’s get real- sometimes family and friends can stress you out. A stiff cocktail will fix that.
2) 2017 is basically here. New year, new you? Honestly, this saying is definitely over used but the meaning behind it still holds true. Try something new this year. And by something new, we mean a new cocktail.
3) Hanukkah begins at sundown on Saturday. Get your menorahs, bake up some latkes and start spinning your dreidels. And don’t forget to grab some Chinese food and head to the movie theaters on Christmas day. Oh and even more important, don’t forget the booze.
4) It’s officially winter. The first day of winter was on Wednesday. There’s no denying it now. Even with the up and down temperatures (especially in New England), we are coming to terms that fall is really gone. We plan on keeping warm until March with lots and lots of booze.
5) It’s the weekend. Do you need any more reason than that?!