
We’re not the type of people who need a reason to drink. If we’re breathing that’s reason enough. But for those who need more, here you go:

1. Game Of Thrones: A new trailer was released early this week teasing the April 24th premiere. If you still aren’t on the bandwagon you’ve got just over a week to catch up. Spend the next few days plotting ways to steal your friends’ HBO GO passwords.

2. Tax Day: Taxes are due and you’re either getting a big paycheck or regretting all of your life choices from this past year. Either way you deserve a nice bottle of something strong.

3. Japan: Starbucks is offering alcoholic Frappuccinos to their customers in Japan. We’d probably get to try them too if that whole Zoolander tragedy hadn’t painted us as such irresponsible coffee drinkers.

4. Kimmy Schmidt: The Netflix original series is back today with laughs and its very own branded Pinot Noir. Order yourself a bottle and buckle in for a good old fashioned binge watch.

5. Marathon Monday: Bostonians get the day off to drink beer and watch other people run next Monday. If you’re lacing up your Nikes, we wish you luck. If you’re tapping a keg, we wish you even more.

