
With the end of January’s chilly temperatures and dark days looming, it can be difficult to rally for a Thirsty Thursday. However, thanks to the Republican Candidates and one of our favorite news sources, The Skimm, you won’t even need to leave the house to get a buzz tonight.

In case you were not aware, tonight marks is the final Republican debate (cough Cat Fight cough) before the primaries begin. The sindig starts at 9PM tonight on Fox, and because it’s highly recommended that you do a bit of research before heading to the polls to choose your next presidential candidates, why not tune in and get a little tipsy during the process? Our friends over at The Skimm have devised a drinking game, incentivizing us to learn more about the GOP candidates tonight even though front-runner Donald Trump will not be there to make us chuckle with his sassy comments and over the top facial expressions.

Side note: If after the debate you end up yearning to learn even more about this year’s election, The Skimm has put together a complete guide to all things surrounding the 2016 Election so you can discuss politics at the dinner table like a boss.

Cheers to America and remember to drink responsibly!

Drink Every Time…

• Gov. John Kasich (OH) says the b-word: BUDGET.
• Former Gov. Jeb Bush (FL) awkwardly smiles.
• Sen. Marco Rubip (FL) talked abut his Cuban heritage.
• Sen. Ted Cruz(TX) hates on the “Washington cartel.”
• Dr. Ben Carson naps on stage.
• Gov. Chris Christie (NJ) looks straight into the camera.
• Sen, Rand Paul (KY) complains about not getting enough air time.
• Someone mentions no-show Donald Trump.
